After awhile of not going back to home; it's a relief to get this chance to see the parents' face, their smile and hold their hands. Truly those are the blessing you can't have when you are so far away from your usual zone; the home sweet home zone. Yea of course, I'd be missing those moment I've been longing to have; a visit to Old Trafford, a picture infront of Manchester's uni entrance, an exciting shopping experience at Primark, a long fun adventure travelling trip around UK while wearing a decent jacket and a pair of boots I bought from h&m's homeland and not to forget, a bite of hot waffle with Vanilla ice cream as the topping. I would be missing those moments but not the blessings I already have in here; when Ma and Bah are still one call away. I still in a way of what God has yet told me to be in; I belong to this way I guess (for now). InsyaAllah; for more years to come there are alot more to experience; with no regrets.
This time is not as usual one; not with macbook or ipad. No nothing so technologically advanced. but with the old second-hand desktop we bought from a nearby computer store. But the feeling this time is so intense; in a positive way. This one keyboard that produces a very load sound for every movement of fingers on board; soooo oldskool i kinda love this time.
Moving on to new life:
I'm blessed with a warm friendship of collegemates of Mkic but in the new environment of the new uni (HW as what I will call it from now on) ; prolly speaking it's not too different from the one I supposedly to have in the UK. The very cool lecturers; who are not just so humble and caring but very helpful in explaining things. Basically, nothing that's really hard to catch except the part when I long for azan and tazkirah between maghrib and isyak; those things that I can get if only I am fully be willing to go for one not so far away from our residence. Life is still like this; a journey that always brings out the best of me everytime. So many to feel, I just hope I could be strong enough to keep going.
I rarely read now; I procrastinate a lot that the list of books-to-read has been so out of track and I lost count to start again. I just have so many free time that I spent in learning how to cook and how to be positive. Seriously there was this one night I spent on internet by just reading articles of why this and that, and how to this and that. Even in reality the Dr. Ng's law assignment is in a due list and I haven't start anything just yet, not to include every tutorial's homework that need to be finished a night before and I still let myself myself doing what I'm best at; procrastinating. (FML)
On the other hand, I consume a lot of caffeines now; specifically on coffee. Until there was this one day when my male friend asked me why I keep ordering coffee everytime we hang out; it's obvious i bet. But there'll be always reasons for our every cup of coffee don't you think?
The pain one wants to get rid away
The happiness one is longing to have
The pleasure one cup of coffee could offer
Sometimes, those are a part of healing, a part of concealing, and prolly a pill to keep oneself breathing
We all have reasons for every cup of coffee we decided to have.
so this is for "I just want to write something", till then.
Stay Strong pretty ..