Remember about those kids from Kampung Orang Asli near Dengkil? Yes the one that we helped building for them a corner of knowledge; basically a mini library set up in an abandoned balai raya of the village.
I was rushing back then, going back to Cyber coz that day was hell tiring. And there was this notice board just near the lift button that really triggered me. An advertisement about another kinda volunteering, but this one will be focusing more on tutoring. Have I ever mentioned that I have always wanted to be a teacher? Well, I guess if I wasn't to be an accountant, then maybe being a teacher is what I'm gonna be enrolling by now. Haha.
But, I didn't expect that the kids that we'll be teaching is the same kids we built the library for. I guess, it's an opportunity to contribute something to the same group though not much, still, education changes a lot. I'm passionate about education, seriously. I think, apart from any other things in the world, education is indeed a powerful and effective mechanism to build a better nation. Something that I cannot tolerate is when someone take off a privilege for a good education, especially from the young people who are passionate for that. Even at times when a country is at the peak of downturning, I would still firmly stay by education. Education, should not be something to be less prioritized. It is, a main priority; despite all.
So as what being told from the core organizer of this programme, this tutoring programme is actually different. It is a solution to an issue, as to what I understand. If 'teaching for excellent' is something you have in mind (by which, I had too), then deny it, because it's another thing we're leading to as a goal. We are here to motivate, to give whatever we have, to boost their inner fading spirit so that they can rise up again.
Without focusing of what actually the factor, please know that if they were 10 children who currently in Standard Six getting ready for UPSR, it'd just be not even half of them managed to be in Form One later for Secondary school. It is depressing, to know the fact that they are going to stop their education only until primary school just because they think there is no use for further education. They don't feel the need to. It prolly be because of the norm of their society that education to them, will affect nothing better for their life but another cost to be added.
This is one-to-one tutoring programme. Every volunteer is assigned to one kid. It's really brilliant I guess, because every kid that come to us will have full focus and commitment from us ourselves.
So here what we are going to do, to give. If the thing they would need is light, then we are pleased to give them light.
Yesterday was my week one. We have altogether three planned weeks of tutoring session, but it will be more than a bonus for us to keep tutoring them for the following weeks on demand basis. By that, it's subjected to our willingness to keep following them up. As it was very first week, a kind of ice-breaking session is done. And it was also a session for us to diagnose their potential and weakness so that we know at what stage they are at. Thus, we made them to take bahasa melayu and english test. Also, we are given their recent exam result.
Mine is a girl, a 12-years old girl of course. She's quite shy, or maybe because it was a week one idk. Before the session ended, we made a promise. We both made a promise to ourselves, and hopefully in week three we gonna achieve all those promises we made. InsyaAllah.
For more weeks to come with them, I hope their life will be more lighten up. I may not come from the best education background, but I believe education isn't to what level you are going. It isn't the university you attend, or what course you're taking. It is a lot more, it is an obligation for oneself. It should be seen as a process, a never-ending one. It is indeed, a need that requires willingness. If I could exaggerate, I would call education as the way of life. Because education makes you think differently. Education changes how you see something from another; that's perspective.
The goal of education is not to increase the amount of knowledge but to create the possibilities for a child to invent and discover, to create men who are capable of doing new things. - Jean Piaget