Becoming a Londoner

Warning: I am really going to bitch about London. 

“My Dad says that being a Londoner has nothing to do with where you're born. He says that there are people who get off a jumbo jet at Heathrow, go through immigration waving any kind of passport, hop on the tube and by the time the train's pulled into Piccadilly Circus they've become a Londoner.” 

This is not life if it was to be expected, it is in fact unexpected. Of the fact I will be away from Edinburgh for a month long, to see more places, to walk routes, to visit cities and to wander around just before the 10 months end. 
Shall you think I am in rush, in fact I am. 

I went to London a week away from the exam week, which was quite insane. Thought I would not enjoyed myself the best since my mind was off from seeing new place and meeting new people. But I guess it's totally wrong. I bet London... is just something else. 

Of course, I have fallen in love with Edinburgh at a first glance. But this wasn't the same when I meet London. It was as I went to a city that everyone has been talked about it for ages and while I wasn't really feel the hype... London did capture my heart in some ways

I didn't visit London for travelling, as a city tour or something. I went for a talk, an important one. and London happened to be the venue it was held. so important this talk to each of us... we almost missed the flight that morning. when I say morning i did mean it was an early morning, at 6am to be sure... to get ready the earliest we can... to catch a flight... to pass the gate that was 5mins before closing... 

fortunately, we made it. 

an hour journey from Stansted Airport to the city felt like nothing, when the uber driver has talent in making conversation. he talked about Islam, about his country Afghanistan, about his life journey... an hour felt like nothing. 

We stayed at Malaysian Hall for two nights, having the first breakfast to be Nasi Lemak and Teh Tarik. And Teh Tarik, again, and then some more before going back to Edinburgh. 

We went to some mainstream places, you name it. but I guess I don't fancy telling them all. But one thing is that, London is freaking packed with people coming in and out, minding their own business and everybody seem to not know each other even they are from same countries-- that is to me weird if to compare with Edinburgh, by which I won't. 

Both are unique in their own way. 
I lost myself in that bustling London, until I woke up in Edinburgh realizing how I actually miss that city. I should have explored more. 

I will make sure to do better next time, since I'll be coming again in less than a month. 

Oxford St.

Oxford St. 

I walk to Oxford Street, I started to think how I will never get bored of it. 

Jubilee Gardens 

Waterloo Station 
and, at Waterloo Station where we said goodbyes. 

guess who just turned out to be officially a Londoner. 
