Live a life

I still have the entry somewhere in this blog that stated how I was a tomorrow girl who might know nothing about the life she lives at that current moment but the fact that she was too focusing on what will happen on a day after. 

Being asked about the ups and downs of what I've been through this 2years, I can see I have changed my perspective in life throughly. Not because the last perspective was wrong ; it just that I'm looking for a balance in anything I do or anything I view. Despite my difficult yet worthwhile 2years I would just say "I'm living a life" or "I'm surviving", indeed. 

How is that; living a life ? We have come to a point when we lost our soul , losing our insanity and even worse, losing our stand to something that's worthless to be losing for. And some of us, has yet taking the most wrong route, running from problems, or just dwelling on past or might just struggling hard to move on from dark life we had. 

This time, I want to precise here, that I live today , my life , everyday to the fullest. We all travel different roads to our ultimate destinations; either you are struggling hard for alevel, ib, diploma or even degree; don't forget to treasure every hardship, feel the pain and savor the happiness. You deserve to feel that, for you are becoming someone stronger than who you are now to serve for nation; even bigger community under your responsibility in future. There is this one book I read that said 'there are no real failures in life, only results' ; in fact , there are no true tragedies, only lessons. And there are really no problems, only opportunities waiting to be recognized as solution by the person of wisdom. 

Cherish every seconds of your life. 

Thank you for the amazing two years. Goodbye, mkic; till we meet again. 

Get behind people's eyeballs

Not so long before, I have always this intuition to tell someone or anyone that related about all the things that were in my head. And as how hunger I was to be understood, cherished and honored; finding a great listener (for me) was as hard as trusting people to not giving up when the difficult times come. Despite trying to find one, I reflected myself as if I was a good one either. And sadly, I wasn't. There was a time when my super bestfriend tried to spill out of all her things that were in her heart and I was just there not listening but in fact waiting of when she could stop talking. And even worse, I was there playing around with monologues rather than present myself as a good friend to empathize with the point that being made by her. 

And my response wasn't either helpful but it failed myself to be the good friend she expected me to be. That's for me; a big failure. 

Thinking logically; the fact that we have two ears and one mouth simply telling us that we should listen twice as much as we speak. And in the quest of being a better listener; it will always act as a big advantage to you as a simple human being who live life by lessons. We live in this world with limited time we have everyday, it's impossible to experience everything and gather all the lessons of life. Thus, by understanding what others trying to share with you , in some ways, you are technically learning, gaining new information you might be missed in life. 

And most of us, rather than see the problems according to our very own perspective why not seeing the same particular problems through the eyes of the one who had the problem in the first place. 

Get behind people's eyeballs, and help as much as we can. 

Take more risks

"It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes short again and again, who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spend himself in a worthy cause, who at best knows in the end triumphs of high achievement and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory or defeat."

Life is all about choices. But how do we make a right or better choice, really? You can choose to spend the rest of your days sitting on the shore of life in complete safety or you can take some chances. In keeping us inspired and centered on the fact that we must keep stretching our own personal boundaries as the days go by; let us live beyond limits and go take some risks. 

For every risks, there might lies even more chances. 

(Again, back to the old shell. We got to do what we got to do, right?)  

#5thJune ; 5 days to go. 

May Allah bless, every of us.